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Search Results for: "Reena Dutt"

Cover of All This Could Be Different

Book: All This Could Be Different

By Sarah Thankam Mathews | Narrated by Reena Dutt

Graduating into the long maw of an American recession, Sneha is one of the fortunate ones. She’s moved to Milwaukee for an entry-level corporate job that, grueling as it may be, is the key that unlocks every door: she can…

Cover of The Fake

Book: The Fake

By Zoe Whittall | Narrated by Steve Campbell, Reena Dutt, Emma Galvin

After the death of her wife, Shelby is suffering from prolonged grief. She’s increasingly isolated, irritated by her family’s stoicism and her friends’ reliance on the toxic positivity of self-help culture. Then, in a grief support group, she meets Cammie,…

Cover of What a Desi Girl Wants

Book: What a Desi Girl Wants

By Sabina Khan | Narrated by Reena Dutt

Mehar hasn’t been back to India since she and her mother moved away when she was only four. Hasn’t visited her father, her grandmother, her family, or the home where she grew up. Why would she? Her father made it…

Cover of Dead Flip

Book: Dead Flip

By Sara Farizan | Narrated by Wali Habib, Reena Dutt, Michael Crouch

Growing up, Cori, Maz, and Sam were inseparable best friends, sharing their love for Halloween, arcade games, and one another. Now it’s 1992, Sam has been missing for five years, and Cori and Maz aren’t speaking anymore. How could they…

Cover of Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating

Book: Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating

By Adiba Jaigirdar | Narrated by Reena Dutt, Shubhangi Karmakar

But when she comes out to her friends as bisexual, they invalidate her identity, saying she can’t be bi if she’s only dated guys. Panicked, Hani blurts out that she’s in a relationship… with a girl her friends absolutely hate—Ishita…